We tried a melee set-up of about seven people in our first Dyna-Beau but it ended badly as there was not enought sleeps and heals. We tried again the next time with a Blm PT and we actually did much better. We did get a few AF2 in that run, which I cant not remember at this time.
We've done Dyna-Xarc with War War Sam Whm Brd Rdm Blm Blm setup before as the Xarc NMs cannot be slept. We usually go for the RDM, PLD, THF, BLM NMs then farm the other demons inside. We usually manage to afrm most of the NMs and the other demons without any major problems, although wipes are sometimes common due to bad pathing by the demons causing it to link with even more.
Alas sadly still no Rdm AF2 hat yet. (T.T )
But low-manning is rather fun, but hard on your Exp Bar ( As you can see from the screenshot ) lol....
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