As this is a new craft, everyone, their dog and their dog's flea was trying it out. But first you need to complete a quest before you can start.
So off I went to the Metalworks in Bastok, and along the way I can say hi to my old man, Cid, not like he'll notice since he's always soooo busy.
Next, I had to gather some materials, some had already shot up in price due to everyone trying to get a head start. Good thing the other stuff can be easy to get.
So after a while, I gathered all the materials needed for the quest and I'm now a member of the Synergy guild, yay !

Ok, so now the catch, while you are synergying ( is that even a word? ) you can overload the furnance and it will blow up and damange you, yes you heard me, DAMAGE you. So much for crafting mules lol.
So that being said, skilling up was as easy as spamming the "enter" button as all you need is to feed it Fewell untill the furnance's HP reaches zero, which ende in automatic failure. Refill your fewell if needed and repeat till it reaches cap.
It took me about two days, but I reached the current cap of Lv50 Synergy and made my Alchemist's Apron into an Alchemist's Smock.
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