Two weeks ago, we had our very first usukane (35) feet drop since the salvage group started, which was in March this year.
The problem with Bhaflau Remnants is that you have to go tru some trouble to trigger the "warp" to the room where this Rampart will keep popping monsters, it has the chance to pop a NM, which has a chance to drop the required salvage piece.
With that said, we have been getting trouble with the 2F Rampart popping all normal bees and not the NM for a long time.
So that day, we saw our first NM bee in months and maybe we broke salvage but, it actually dropped the usukane (35) feet.
So, two weeks later, I had managed to saved up some gil for my Ares's Cuirass, which I have had all three pieces long ago since I got the 35 piece cause everyone else in the group already has it.
Then the following day, we went to Bhaflau Remnants again cause another member also needed the usukane (35) feet. So like any other run we did the required stuff, and poped the Rampart. It seemed like another "lolbee" run with nothing but nq bees popping, but then, the NM popped and it dropped our second usukane (35) feet, then soon after that, a second NM popped and that one also dropped. This time Eragon got it as he was next in line.
So they said if a third NM popped, it was mine since I have the 15/25 pieces and I went "Yeah right". So, just to spite me, a third NM popped. This time I went "As if it will drop lol". Ok, so salvage has a great sence of humor cause the NM also dropped another 35 feet.
Remember Rikku's Law? Well its true.
So yeah, I got two salvage gears in under two days. And I think we just broke salvage, if you know what I mean hehehe.