We went a toal of two times. First time was the standard with four songs and haste, then Souleater and Bloodweapon on Bahamut. That one went down pretty fast without trouble. Sinced we had used up 2hr on the first fight I though it was over, but the leader said we were going again, this time without Bloodweapon, with the Whm spamming cures and Benediction if needed. This one took slightly longer than the first with one or two unfortunate deaths, but Bahamut went down in the end.
We got Bahamut Mask and Staff from our two BCs. Both nice pieces for PLD and SMN respectively.
Though I did well, but my Drk is far from perfect and still needs some improvemets, but I am running out of space as it is, if only they gave use more storage space.....