Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I'm Charging Ma Lazor !
What an exciting day, today was my Limbus LS's first Proto-Omega and we were (or maybe its only me, I don't know) scared yet excited at the fight. I spent alot of time the pass week reading up everything I needed to know about the fight since this is my first time planning a Proto-Omega.
I had planned all the apollyon battle strategies for all four zones and we managed to farm all four zones with seven to eight members with little difficuties, although it was abit rought at first when we were getting used to it.
The tougher one was NW Apollyon where the top three floors had boss like adamantotise , fafnir and a king behemoth at the top that cast meteors. We did pretty well on all floors skipping fafnir and made the win with 5mins to spare.
And then it came to the big one, Proto-Omega. We had both tanks, a Pld/Nin and Nin/Drk ping-pong Omega between them while the Blm did light nukes. I was one of the blm supposed to nuke gunpods when they appear.
Everything went smoothly except for the last pod when it switched into its final form. Both of us were casting but it ran out of range from the other Blm and well, the Pod raped me, litterally. You could say I was iPod-ed. Hehe.
By then we were already chainspell stunning Omega and I only managed to reraise and fire off a Burst II before it was dead. Dropped Omega's hind legs and Omega's tail.
I had won the bid and got the (Homan) legs, while the feet was free bidded by the other members.
Nothing like the smell of lazor (as if it has a smell) in the morning. Hehe.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Please Be Gentle, It's My First Time
We found Cerberus up, and as we were gathering (including job chaning), another LS had claimed, but they were low on members. They were doing alright untill I looked away for a moment, looked back and their paladin was down. Cerberus proceeded to rampage the rest of them.
We claimed shortly after the other LS wiped, and we managed to hold it till the rest of the members changed to their respective job and came back up. I was kind of scared being my first time on paladin taking Cerberus, although I have tanked him as Nin/Drk before.
After a while, we got a Drk/Nin to co-tank and I was asked to get Rdm/Drk. The time it took for me to run back to town change and run back, they had gotten it from 80% down to like 25% (Gate of Hades mode). I barely made it back in time to be in the second stun cycle and good thing I did he was in a GoH spammy mood today.
Cerberus went down pretty fast after that and Algol dropped.
As for the screenshot, I couln't get a better shot when you are tanking something this big.
Did You Get The Number Of That Horse
Ixion is one of the HNM I like very much, only cause it is the few times I get to come as Ranger.
I'm starting to move towards Rng/Sam for long fights over Rng/War cause SAM sub-job gives me a 5-hit built letting me WS more, which is bad sometimes cause I end up pulling hate alot and I always keep forgetting to use my seigan/third eye macro before Ixion plows me down.
Spamming sidewinder is so much fun, 750 dmg a piece (if it doesnt miss), with arching arrow hitting on average at 600 dmg. Although this isnt the best dmg I've done on Ixion, the best being a 1,600 dmg sidewinder with WAR sub, I do seem to be putting out more WS over time so I guess the dmg adds up.
There are still some stuff I'm missing on my ranger, namely Vali Bow (I hate you Eastern Shadow) and my {dream} {gun}, the Annihilator. Something that I am slowly working my way towards, for those of you who know me, yes I know its been three years but I'm still trying, its just that money isnt as easy to get as it was three years ago before the great RMT slump.
Ah well, another Ixion down, doesn't look like anything else to do, I think I'm going to skillup my shield.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Om Nom Nom Nom
{Time for Work}
We got Lambton Worm inside and other than a few unfortunate death (including mine) we took it down rather well.
We were low on members so our black mages had to nuke and nuke and nuke. Well Lambton worm didn't like it and ate me up (litterally). Blm exp buffer going down.......
The same can't be said for the drops though.....
A pair of Oily Trousers,
Guivre's Skull,
Damascene Cloth
and a Venomous Claw.
I was hoping for an Ancient Torque though but at least we got the kill.
Monday, September 14, 2009
A Marid And Some Pamamas
Apperently a certian ZNM marid likes it, so I decided to go have a look. And so Iriz Ima was found.
Was a rather long fight around 1hr 15mins, since I don't have top end gears for my Corsair's quickdraw setup, but I was averaging 330 dmg Ice Shots. Just kept running around the tower at the secret enterance to whitegate.
Rather smooth fight start to end, only resisted heavily at 1% making my Ice Shots do 36 dmg. Considerding it was my first time, I think I did ok.
Now I can pop Dea, though I think I need abit more work on my Corsair before I decide to solo Dea.
Rikku's Law 101
Have you ever wondered why in Vana'diel do you spent hours (if not days) farming coffer keys while other people seem to get it to drop on their first few kills?
Well, I have discovered a couple of theories from all my time adventuring around the great lands of Vana'diel, and most if not all of those theories are extremely accurate (at least to me).
Chapter One : Items
The item you want will not drop (at least not without hours and hours of camping) when you want it to drop.
The said item, when dropped will usually drop off the next monster that you kill (which would be after hours of farming).
On the other hand, stuff that you were NOT camping for (this includes junk) will always usually drop very fast.
When farming (coffer keys/ quest items), the said item will not drop even after hours of camping, but when you have finally given up and decided to kill the last monster before leaving, the chances for said item to drop is extremely high (either that or the following monster AFTER the one you killed would drop it).
Chapter Two : Monsters (Including NMs)
The chances of finding a random NM up, unclaimed, is extremely high when you are either not prepared (wrong sub-job or lack of gears), or when you are on some low leveled job incapable of killing said NM.
Lottery pop NMs you are camping would either not pop or in the even it does pop, will not drop the item that you are seeking (unless it is a 100% drop).
When camping 21-24 hr repop NMs, when you have the luck (or lack of ) of getting the TOD and there is no one else camping, the chances for a server maintenance the next days is morderately high.
When a 21-24 hr NM(HNM)'s window is going to be open within your time zone after weeks of being stuff in the other end of the time zone, the chances of a server maintenance to reset all TODs is high.
When camping NM and there are other people also camping the same NM, the chance for it to pop BEHIND you (resulting in a lost claim) is greatly increased.
When pulling monsters (in EXP PT) the chances for the monter to link with other monsters increases the more you don't want it to link.
When pulling monsters (in EXP PT) the chances of a monster poping near the camp (which would result in linking/ aggroing) is very high.
When trying to sneak your way pass sight based monsters, the chance for it to turn around and see you as you walk pass increases the lower your level is compared to the monster, and in the event you do not aggro it, the chance increases for each other PT memeber atempting to do the same.
Chapter 3 : Travels
When taking airships/boat the chances of it leaving just as you reach the door is greatly increased when you are in a rush.
When you require a specific teleport, you would be unable to get it even after shouting for a long time (this includes Retraces). The chance increases the greater you are in a rush.
When you are rushing off to somewhere, the chances of finding unclaimed NMs is high. (see Chapter 2)
When adventuring off in the far (and deserted) corners of Vana'diel, the chance of forgetting an Instant Warp scroll (or any form of warp) is very high. This applies to jobs incapbale of teleporting/warping.
You would more likely run into Besiedged while walking towards the Chocobo Stables in Al'Zahbi to grab a chocobo then you would when you actually want Besiedged to skillup.(see Chapter 4)
Chapter 4 : Combat
While fighting in massive battlefields (Campaign/Besiedged), the chances of dying right after you re-raise from some random unseen AOE is very high.
The chance of having you buff removed in one second after spending the last 5mins buffing up is high.
After fighting in a long Besiedged/Campaign, the chance to D/C is proportional to the amount of EXP you would have earned if you didn't D/C.
Just when you think this is going to be a nice long campaign battle, it ends just as you get your allied tag.
The chance of the enemy using a deadly TP move at the moment you have no shadows up (which would result in your death or that the next hit would kill you) is high.
The chance of the enemy using AOE to wipe your shadows just after you have casted it, is also as high.
You would usually get killed not long after your re-raise wears.
There is actually more, but this post is already long enough, I'll save it for the next time. Hehe.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Rikku's Back !
Alot of things have changed in the lands of vana'diel. During this span of time, new lands were found and even time paradox discovered.
Well, thats enough of the world ! Rikku has grown as well. My current list of Jobs are (in order of getting it to 75)
Black Mage
Red Mage
Yeah, thats alot of jobs and my moghouse is being stuffed to the ceiling at the moment with all my gears (and junk).
Well, I'll try to post some glamor shots of my jobs when I find that Soultrapper 2000 I have somewhere in that pile of junk in my moghouse. Now... if only I remembered where my moogle put the key to the door......